03 - 13 OCTOBER 2024
03 - 13 OCTOBER 2024

Meet The Team Behind The Festival

Hannah Sharman-Cox and Siobhan Payne are the founders of London Cocktail Week - so this is their fifteenth year working on the festival, which they have built into the award-winning event it is today. As well as working together on London Cocktail Week, they are also best friends and love nothing more than enjoying an ice cold martini together.


Sam Ryan joined the team in 2018 - first as a full time member of staff and these days as a freelancer. Sam takes care of all our partner content but in truth - contributes across all elements of the whole festival - and we wouldn't manage without her. 

This is Sinnéad Jackson Brett’s third year working on the festival - she’s just graduated from university where she was studying journalism. She manages all our bar partners and makes sure all the details are spot on to make navigating the Cocktail Tours super easy.

L-R : Hannah, Siobhan, Sam & Sinnéad

Chima Nwachukwu has been involved with London Cocktail Week since 2013 when he first volunteered to be part of the events team on the ground. Now he’s irreplaceable to us - ensuring that each and every bar that takes part is fully up to speed and receives their wristbands and guidebook ahead of the festival starting. 


Addie Chinn is responsible for almost every photograph you see from us. All the beautiful cocktail photography that we’ve become so well known for over the fifteen years of the festival has been shot by him. Not content with still life - he’s also behind our portrait campaign. Over the last two years he's taken more than 80 bartender portraits and you'll see his work all across the tube! Power house.


Rebekkah Dooley is the Wonder Woman behind our social media presence. Firmly entrenched in all things London Cocktail Week - she's the one creating all the juicy content we're so proud to present on our Instagram. She’s also the person behind many of your favourite bar’s feeds and has been the driving force behind a lot of mega London Cocktail Week events over many years. 


Roman Shabodalov is the creative genius making our video content this year. As well as being a talented videographer, he’s also a top notch bartender, so absolutely always knows the best angle to capture. Have you seen his 'How To' video to capture orange zest on our socials yet!? 

L-R : Chima, Addie, Rebekkah & Roman

Tonic Communications (Frances Cottrell Duffield and Phoebe Kelner pictured below) are our wonderful press agents making sure our story is clearly communicated. If you read us about in the paper - it’s all down to them and their brilliant team.